2011년 1월 25일 화요일

Ode to my MP3 player

Dear  MP3 player,
your music makes me to concentrate
your sound of music is like a break from every thing

Oh! my MP3 player why did you have to break?
I had 2 of you and now I can't listen to music.
why did both of you have to break?

I loved listening to your sounds
and the smooth texture of your surface
makes me calm  down

I'm sorry I trashed you my MP3 player,
you were not able to fix, so I trashed you 
I'm really sorry

My mom doesent let me buy a new MP3 player,
and I'm so sad.
I have to listen to music on my dictionary

I can't live without you MP3 player 
I hope you've forgived me for trashing you
sorry again

2011년 1월 20일 목요일

Wacky Web Tales (Short Story)

A New Winter Sport

Here is a great way to spend a winter day. First, put on a nice warm shirt. You want to be sure you stay warm and gross. Next, fill a thermos full of hot steamy milk. Now you are ready to go snow wishing!
Some people say only experts should go snow wishing, but I think anyone can do it if you use a little common sense. I have heard a rumor that Mr. Urban will be offering special snow wishing classes after school at GLPS, but I don't know if that's true.
The best place to go snow wishing is on a hill that is covered with snow. First you will want to clear away any leaves and bags. Stand at the top of the hill and shout, “Hey, everybody, playing out below!” Then step onto a(n) book, point yourself downhill, and off you go.
Snow wishing is fun, healthy, and nice. And here is one more tip: everyone will be especially impressed if you can balance a(n) pencil case on your head


2011년 1월 18일 화요일

Wacky Web Tales (Short Story)

Our Class Project

This year our class is doing a special science project. We have a(n) Tiger that we are taking care of. It is very wierd and it has purple eyes. It lives in a(n) computer in the back of our classroom. We feed it watermelons and egg plants every day, but I think it really wants to eat my book. Everyone likes our Tiger.
One day, the Tiger got out of its cage and started watching all around the room. It made a loud brrrrrrrr-. I think it was trying to say, wow!!”


Diamante Poem

quiet, fierce
purring, rubbing, scratching
yarns, scratch toy, chew toy, rubber balls
licking, shaking, pawing
loud, gentle

2011년 1월 13일 목요일

Viral Videos

This is the Harry Potter Song. It's actual name is  "Potter Puppet Pals. The Mysterious Ticking Noise."
 Potter Puppet Pals was made by 23 year old Neil Cicierega. 
According to a article in wikipedia about Potter Puppet Pals, Potter Puppet pals is about  Professor snape hearing a strange ticking and, noticing it has a catchy rhythm, begins singing to it, followed by Dumbledore, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Harry Potter. Towards the end, Ron discovers that the source of the ticking is a pipe bomb that explodes as they celebrate, letting Lord Voldemort sing his name by himself to the tune of "Lollipop" by The Chordettes. Also this video, released March 23, 2007, is the 18th most viewed video on YouTube, with over 90,000,000 views as of November 19, 2010. The video was nominated and won in the Comedy category in the 2008 YouTube Awards with 61.6% of the votes in that category.

 I like this video because I've always liked Harry Potter, and it has a catchy tune. I hope every people that watch this video think this video is very funny just like I did.

2011년 1월 11일 화요일

S.A.T. Style Reflective Essay: "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring"

In the film "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring", a boy puts stones on to a fish, a frog, and a snake. The master puts a big stone on to the boy's back when the boy is sleeping, and he said the only way to get the stone off of your back is to set all the animals he harmed free. The boy goes in to the river with the stone on his back and he finds the fish dead. He feels really bad about it and makes a tomb for the fish. then, lets the frog free and when he tried to free the snake he finds the snake dead with blood all over him. The boy felt really bad so he cried loudly just for the snake.

 I Think what the master is trying to teach the boy is that you sould treat animals just as you want to be, and I think the master wanted to say to the boy if the animals you harmed  dies, you would feel really bad about it. The boy felt what the master tried to make him feel. The boy felt really bad about what he did, and he even cried.

 In the kind of situation like the boy did something wrong, most people just yell at the boy or just hit him, but the master chose a way that you can learn your mistakes by your self, and feel bad about it. I think the master did a right thing to do.

 Once I had a time like this. I was teasing other people, but my mom and dad just said "don't tease other people!", and they never thought about teasing me back. If they had teased me back, I would have known that other people feel really bad when you teased them, I would have stopped teasing other people from then. I think the master is a very intellegent person to come up with a idea like making other people feel the same.   

2011년 1월 7일 금요일

Writing Chain"If I could go back in time..."

My chain writing is about if you go back in time, what would you do.In my writing, I wrote about if I could go back in time I would go and see dinosaurs.We did some pear edditing on my essay and I changed a little bit of grammar and deleted the informations that I don' need.Since this is chain writing, the writers didn't have the same idea, but I think it turned out alright.

<If I could go back in time>
If I could go back in time, I would go to when dinosaurs lived, because scientists have found alot of fossils and bonmes of dinosaurs,but they have never had a chance to see actual dinosaurs. It would be great to be the first one to see a real live dinosaur. It would be so awsome to to tell my friends and families that I saw dinosaurs.Maybe they won't belive me, but I can just belive in myself.
  If I really see the dinosaurs, I would take a camera, and take pictures of dinosaurs.I would like to be chased by dinosaurs, because it would be fun and thrilling. And maybe I can catch the little dinosaurs that has no parents, because if they don't have parents, you can just eat the little dinosaurs. And I will be the first one to eat dinosaur meat. To eat the dinosaur meat, I will need fire. So I'm going to take a lighter with me.
 Also, there are thousands of unknown dinosaurs. So I want to find out what kind of dinosaurs live there. And I also want to figure outb how dinosaurs got extinct, because no one has found out how, but I think I would have to leave to my time before I get hurt by something.
 When I come back, I sould write all about dinosaurs for my decendents. They will belive it because I'm their ancestor, right? The note I write will be an heirloom, and it will contain how the dinosaur meat tasted. If someone belives me, I'll be the most famous person in the world! Ha~ha~ Oh! I'll take some of the pictures to my friends, and if their reaction is good, I'll publish a book about dinosaurs, too. I want to let the world know all about dinosaurs!